Step 1:
To order, kindly send us the following details to: or
Information for ordering:
E-mail address:
Contact number:
Delivery address:
Product code & name:
Payment via:
Delivery option:
Total price:
You will receive a reply within 24 hours.
(Note: pls resend your message again after 48 hours if you do not receive our reply)
Step 2:
Please wait for our reply for the confirmation of stock availability and prices. Payment details will be sent to your e-mail.
Step 3:
Payment should be paid in full amount via either:
- ATM Transfer
- Internet online banking
- Cash deposit machine
- cheque deposit machine
(Note: Remittances by cheque, goods will be delivered after the cheque cleared)
Please note we can only accept one payment type per order.
Please note we can only accept one payment type per order.
Step 4:
E-mail us the payment slip to proof your payment is successful.
- Your name
- Payment amount
- Payment date & time
- Payer bank
- Payee bank
Step 5:
Once we have received the payment, we will advice when your order is being prepared for shipping, along with a final e-mail to let you know that the parcel has been ship out.
Step 6:
Customers satisfaction matters, please inform us upon goods receipt.
Thank you for support our products.